Hello there, welcome to Faerie Bori, a personal Neopets fansite.
Unlike a lot of other Neopets fansites, this isn't so much a guide for other people but a creative hub for my own Neopets related works! Growing up petpages & creating characters and stories for my Neopets made a big impact on me, so I wanted to have a bit of a hub for that sort of thing again, especially with how difficult it is to navigate to petpages these days. (also I get a bit more freedom in terms of coding on here ^_^;;)
You'll find all sorts here, bits about my current Neopets goals, my art and stories, even individual petpages for all my pets!
While the main focus of this site is the offical Neopets, I might include some stuff from those retro-neopets sites that have been popping up a lot more lately, if I ever get around to joining any.
Until then, please feel free to look around!